Genre and Characters

        Hey guys so today i will be getting you up to speed about what I have began to think about for my film opening. So to get started I am actually not working on this alone. My partner, Jules Fuentes, and I have began the process of brainstorming what will be occurring in our film opening. 
        To begin we had to pick an genre in which the film opening will be consisting of. The first genre that came to mind was Horror and as a matter of fact that is what the genre of this film opening will be. The reason we had come upon choosing horror is because we feel that we have a wide range of ideas that we could use for this film opening. Going hand in hand with horror we have also decided to include thriller in with the horror. Coming up with our idea did take a bit because we wanted to make sure that our film opening was not gonna fall loosely under this genre. We are still not 100% done with what our film opening is going to consist of. I will explain the contexts of the film opening in the next post, but just to give you a little insight of what is going to occur we are planning on having a kind of demon or virus infect people in a certain way. This we feel fits the genre since we are able to create a horror/thriller effect to this idea. We obviously have to find a way in which the audience is going to be able to get somewhat of an idea of what is going to happen. We only have 2 minutes to find a way to emphasize what the entire film would be about. Alright I think thats enough insight for now next post I will go a little more in depth.
        Now something that is going to be very important are the characters in our film. For now we only need about one two two actors not exactly sure about that, but I will confirm that in the next post. For now we were thinking the main character could be a younger child from the age range from 8-9. The only problem that I have considered is who exactly will fill that position? Children are pretty difficult to work with since they do not have a very long attention span, so finding a child actor will be a little hard to find. Another thought that could fit in to our opening is having an older teenager who still lives at the parents house. As  we plan we will have to decide between who we would like to have as our main actor.
     For now we have to make a few final touches before we are able to begin storyboarding. Next post I will go into the kinds of designs we want and the full concept for our film opening. Thanks for reading and I will see you then:)

