On screen Text

       Hello everyone and welcome back to week 5 of the blog. This process has been a very difficult one, but we are making our way towards the end of this film opening. Since our schedules were very full and we were both going to be out in spring break we have already filmed and our in post production.
        We have first began editing all the effects that we are going to put in like the text and the virus. Coming up with how we wanted the text to look like was rather easy since we wanted the text to look like a kind of hacker text. We looked up a video on youtube to figure out how to recreate the specific kind of text and it turned out exactly how we wanted it. I just have to make a few more different ones with different text but I am liking how this is looking.  We have decided to use this during the virus to make is seem that the virus is fully being transmitted. In class , we had another discussion about our projects(which I will address in a later post), some students that I showed really liked the concept of the text and they like the direction that it is going in.
        Knowing that our film opening is going in a good direction, I hope I can continue in the same direction. Till next post!

